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how to get slim body at home

 Today, we talk about how to get a slim body at home.In this article we talk some exercises and nutrition who help you to fit your body. So Let's go.

1.  Eat less sugar and starch

Photo by Evan Hein on Unsplash

To lose weight, it is most important to reduce sugar and starch (carbohydrate). When you do this, your hunger level decreases and you eat very few calories.

Now instead of making carbs for energy, your body starts eating stored fat. Another benefit of cutting carbohydrates is that it lowers insulin levels, which causes your kidneys to shed excess sodium and water from your body. This reduces the weight of bloat and unnecessary water.

2. Surya Namaskar ( Sun salutation) 

Best yoga and exercise to loose your weight.

Some benefits of surya namaskar 

There are many benefits of Surya Namaskar but we talk about some of these 

1. improve concentration 

2. immunity system improve 

3. muscles power increase 

4. weight loss 

5. flexibility increase 

Surya namaskar is very useful technic to loose weight. This exercise is best for calories burn. If you do fast pace you burn more calories. If you do 30 minutes daily surya namakar you will be a fit.

3. Eat protein and vegetables

1. Spinach

Other green vegetables like spinach contain zinc, iron and magnesium. Along with this, it contains vitamins A and K, which increase the metabolism of the body by regularizing the blood flow in the body.

2. carrot

Carrots contain vitamins and minerals, which increase body metabolism. Apart from this, they also burn fat.

3. protein sources of food:

1. Eggs

2. milk

3. fish

4. chicken

If you are vegetarian than you eat 

milk, cottage cheese, nuts

If you do this you will get a fit body.
