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What are 7 chakras ?

 Today , we talk about chakra. Talking about some yoga pose which help you to open your chakras. So Let's start

Each of the seven chakras has its own consciousness and is related to our emotional well-being. The Mooladhara or Root Chakra is situated at the base of the spine and is related to basic human instinct and existence. The Swadhisthana Chakra is situated above the Root Chakra on the Sacrum and corresponds to the Prajna Chakra. The Manipur Chakra above it is located in the abdominal area and is related to self-respect, strength, fear etc. and physically it is related to digestion.

The Anahata Chakra above it is situated in the chest slightly above the heart and is associated with love, inner peace and devotion. After this the Vishuddhi Chakra is located in the throat and is related to communication, self-expression etc. Above it is the command cycle, which lies between the two eyebrows, and gives intuition, imagination and the ability to deal with situations. Finally, there is Sahasrara, which is at the top of the head and is associated with inner and outer beauty, connection with spirituality.

When yoga and mudra are practiced, the chakras become balanced and enable our system to function in a stable, balanced manner, both physically and emotionally. These include some yoga asanas:

Surya namaskar helps in improving your chakras:


surya namaskar

Detailed article about surya namaskar

Generally, purity and purity in your diet and behavior is very important to awaken the Saptachakras. You have to get up early in the morning, sleep early, add satvik diet, yogasana, pranayama. Also to control the mind and brain is necessary to awaken the chakras. To awaken the Saptachakra you should follow some guidelines. Here are some conditions for performing Chakra Meditation.

To meditate on any chakra, first sit down comfortably. Then keep both hands in the posture of knowledge, after this, close the eyes and sit with the spine straight. After that take your meditation to the place where the circle is located. Keep breathing properly. Take slow, deep and long breaths and release. But a proper breathing will be able to make you feel the vibrations of the chakras.

Allow your body to relax completely and then start focusing. It does not matter if your mind wanders in the beginning, allow it to slowly focus on your breathing pattern. Shape your palms according to the chakras in the mudra (appropriate hand posture / gesture). This will ensure correct energy flow.

Next, you have to imagine the colors associated with the chakras while chanting the respective mantras.

Keep chanting the mantra for about 30 times or until you feel the color of the chakra.

Then start chanting 'Kundalini Arohanam' (Kundalini Jagaran).

Do this until you get to experience amazing physical strength.

Finish the Chakra Meditation with Shavasana (corpse posture or yoga pose). This is a very powerful meditation technique, so it is important to relax after chakra meditation.

1. Muladhara Chakra:

This is the first cycle of the body. This is the "base chakra" with four petals between the anus and the penis. 99.9% people have their consciousness stuck on this cycle and they die while staying in this cycle. Their energy is stored around this cycle.

2.Swadhisthan Chakra -

This chakra is located four fingers above the linga root, which has six petals. If your energy is collected on this chakra itself, it will be the priority in your life for fun, entertainment, walking and traveling. You will not even know when your life will be spent doing all this and the hands will still be empty.

3. Manipur Chakra:

This chakra of blood color located at the core of the navel is the third chakra called "Manipur" under the body, which is composed of ten lotus petals. The person whose consciousness or energy is gathered here, has the passion to work. Such people are called karmayogis. These people are ready to do everything in the world.

4. Anahata Chakra

The golden circle, located in the heart of the heart, is the "Anahata Chakra", a chakra embellished with double golden gems with lotus petals. If your energy is active in anahata, then you will be a creative person. Every moment you think of creating something new.

5.Vishudh chakra

There is a place of Saraswati in Kantha, where there is a "pure chakra" and which is sixteen petals. In general, if your energy is gathered around this chakra, you will be very powerful.

6. Aagya chakra;

The Bhrumadhyaya (in the Bhrkuti between the two eyes) has "aagya chakra". Generally, a person whose energy is more active here, then such a person becomes intellectually rich, sensitive and sharp-minded but despite knowing everything he remains silent. "Intellectual accomplishment".

7. Sahasrara Chakra:

The position of "Sahasrara" is in the central part of the brain ie where the peaks are placed. If a person has reached here by following Yama, the rule, then he is situated in a blissful body. Such a person has no meaning with the world, sanyas and siddhis.
