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Yoga for hair growth

 Today, we talk about yoga for hair. The fast and running lifestyle has given us a better standard of living than ever before. But there are also some shortcomings in this lifestyle. These deficiencies have also given us diseases such as tension, depression, high blood pressure, diabetes, and heart problems. A major problem among these diseases and problems is also hair fall/hair loss or hair loss.

So let's start:

1. Nadi shodhan: Nadi shodhan help to reduce tension, depression and improve blood circulation. Nadi shodhan helps to reduce hair fall. If you do daily nadi shodhan practice than you get many benefits.


2. Adhomukh aasan: 

You should stand on both hands and knees, which your body will look like a horse.

While exhaling, raise the hips upward and keep your elbows and knees straight. You need to make sure that the body is the same as the inverted "V".

Keep as many hands and legs as upright as possible and keep your head straight down.

Keep your palms upright on the ground and away from the shoulders, keep the legs parallel to the palms.

Breathe deeply and stay in this position for a few seconds and then bend your knees and return to the horse position. This yog aasan Benefits in hair.The practice of this asana increases blood circulation in the head.

3. Utthanasana:

  This asana helps to relieve fatigue and lethargy. By doing this posture daily, the blood circulation in the head and oxygen supply increases. Both these situations are very effective in dealing with hair loss.

4. Diamond pose (vajra aasan): 

This posture is also called Diamond pose. Other asanas are advised to do empty stomachs. This asana can be done immediately after a meal. Apart from urinary problems, weight loss and digestion, stomach gas problems can also be reduced by practicing this asana.

5. Headstand: 

 Generally everyone knows that headrest is very beneficial in the treatment of headache. This is the reason why often we advise each other to head. Since while practicing this asana, the body has to reverse, that is, the head has to balance by resting it on the ground, in this activity the blood flows better in the brain (blood flow) which causes all the diseases related to the brain ( is beneficial for mental issues. Women can practice headstand at any time other than pregnancy.
