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How to increase beauty of eyes

 The poets have presented many kinds of fantasies about the beauty of the eyes, they have contained them in different ways.  The reflection of all human emotions is reflected in the eyes.  Where words are unable to express emotion, the silent language of the eyes brings emotions to light. Such beautiful eyes are a boon of nature, but man can improve a lot.  Where is the beauty that looks in the eyes?  Neither in kajal, nor in slanting slant, nor in different mouth postures.  These are all artificial elements.  Its real root is in your health.  The doctor looks at your eyelid to estimate your health. How many bacterial elements are there in your blood?  Is there any blood pressure?  Does the blood flow at a reasonable speed or not?  History of health and disease such as written in the eyes.  

The effect of nutritious food gives strength to the eyes from inside.  Therefore, increase the amount of foods like butter, ghee, milk, cheese, buttermilk, honey etc.  A book printed or written in fine letters, should not be read for long.  With this, eat spinach, cabbage, peas raw and use them with flour bran.   Fruits such as orange, lemon, apple, tomato, papaya, guava, grapes, carrots, etc. is very effective in constipation.  Relax the eyes and read relatively less at night.  The beauty of the eyes is destroyed by reading and writing for too long in front of gas, electric light.  while sleeping should not do the work of reading and writing due to tiredness in the body.   There is pain, water gets filled or sometimes there is dazzle when the rows are left.   Beware of medicines of clumsy doctor or any nearby person or advertising instruments in case of sore eyes or some fall or any other pain.  In the morning, when the sun is put on the eyes, they become sage.  After getting up, they should be washed with Triphala water.  Do eye exercises.  Putting the pupil's yatra-Tatra in different positions keeps the veins flexible and returns to the eyes again.  When you have rested by rotating right - left, forward and backward, give them palm heat for some time.   Keep the order of pamming in between one or two minutes.  Eye exercise should sit in peace.
