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Best exercises for height increase

 Today we talk about how to increase height by exercises. Many parents are in tension because his child growth is slow in compare other child. In growth , both exercise and nutrition play a important role. Exercise and nutrition can defeat genetics, if we focus in growth of child from the beginning. So let's see the exercises who can help to increase the height.

1. Surya namaskar: 

 Surya namakar is best for height increasing. All 12 asanas help to increase height. Children should do daily surya namskar. if any child do surya namakar daily then he get a good height. If he do only 12 surya namaskar daily nothing else , his height increases.


Tadasana is considered an important posture for increasing height. In this posture, the weight of the entire body is put on the paws of the feet, while lifting the eddy by connecting the palms up and up. Regular exercise of Tadasana exercises the whole body and pulls the muscles of the spine, chest and shoulders. The muscles of the feet are strong. Helps increase the height.


Regular exercise of Paschimontanasana also proves very useful for increasing the body length. In this posture, sitting on the ground, bending forward and bending the toe of the foot is caught by hand. It is very useful asana for the muscles of the waist and back. This causes reed bone to stretch. Helps to increase the height.

4. Bhujangasana

In this posture, lying on the abdomen, the front part of the waist is raised upwards. It is a useful asana to increase exercise and height of waist and reed bone.

Note: If you do surya namakar , you not  need  to do bhujangasan because this yoga posture included in surya namaskar.

5. Swimming :

This increases blood circulation of the entire body. Stretching occurs in the muscles of the entire body. Stress levels are low. Hunger increases, eaten and drunk properly digested. Swimming helps in increasing the height.
