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5 exercises to cure depression

 Hello friends, today we will talk about depression. As you know, in today's era, depression is a very big problem, in today's part-time era, depression is a common problem. In depression, a person starts feeling depressed, he sees symptoms of irritability and anger, he is not able to focus on any work, this is all a symptom of mental illness. 

So let's start friends:

1. Balaasan: To do this, sit on the ground on the knees and put the whole body on the ankles. Take a deep breath and lean forward. Keep in mind that your chest should touch the thighs, now try to touch the floor with your forehead. Stay in this state for a few seconds and come back to that state. Doing this easy relieves stress and fatigue as well as relieves depression.

2. Surya Namaskar:  Surya Namaskar is an ancient discipline that is done for spiritual and physical benefits. Surya Namaskar is complete exercise both mind and body. If you do Surya Namaskar every day, then your chances of falling ill are very less. Surya Namaskar keeps us away from depression. People who do Surya Namaskar cannot even touch depression, so they should do Surya Namaskar at least 12 times.

3.Shavasan - Shavasana is named after the word corpse. Shavasana is a relaxing pose. By doing this asana, the mind remains calm and relieves problems like stress and depression.

4. Bhujangasana or cobra pose - The name Bhujangasana itself suggests that it means snake. In this posture, there is a pose to spread like a snake. Doing this helps in eliminating depression. Apart from this, it increases energy in the body and benefits in back pain. For patients related to the spinal cord, Bhujangasana will prove to be very beneficial. In women, it helps to control blood flow in the uterus. Whether it is a patient related to the kidney or any stomach related problem, this simple posture is the solution to all problems. Doing this helps in eliminating depression. Apart from this, it increases energy in the body and benefits in back pain.

5. Sukhaasan: Normally we sit upright in Sukhasana, Vajrasana, etc. By sitting upright, we are free from many kinds of problems. Especially back, waist, and neck pain. For this, all you have to do is control your breath while sitting upright. Take long breaths and release.
