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stress relief tips for advocates

 Stress can cause many serious mental problems. And this problem of stress is in large numbers in the advocate profession, this is the reason that many times are not able to concentrate on work for a long time even while working.

Since depression and stress are major causes of suicide cases, it is easy to understand the importance of its treatment. Apart from this, talking about it when there is stress is not a sign of any weakness. He needs courage.

Due to the run in court-court and legal entanglements today the advocate is very mentally disturbed and the new advocates who have become  new advocates are being tired   both mentally and physically, it is a bitter truth that advocates in today's date live in a lot of stress, today we will talk about some such yoga and asanas which will make you strong both mentally and physically and you will develop new energy and positive thinking.

 breathing exercises

It has been proved by many researches that doing breathing exercises gives peace to the mind.

Breathing exercise strengthens the lungs. Also the stress level is also reduced. For this you can do simple breathing exercises.

You have to sit in Sukhasana and take a long deep breath with your eyes closed.

you in breathing exercise

1. nadi shodhan

2. bramari

3. Kapalbhati

4. Bhastrika Pranayama

can do


Along with reducing stress, there are many physical, mental and emotional benefits of dancing. Dance is a great exercise, which not only increases your heart rate, but also improves your agility.

Researchers found that people who danced have a lower risk of developing stress. Dancing can also reduce depression. You can dance by playing your favorite songs.


Yoga postures are a form of strength training, they make you more flexible. It also gives relief from physical stress and tension.

Doing yoga with deep breath gives mental relief. Research has shown that yoga also lowers blood pressure.

You can do Surya Namaskar Yoga, these 12 poses will make you physically as well as mentally strong, if you do not know how to do Surya Namaskar, then we have given the complete method of Surya Namaskar in the link given below.


all poses of surya namaskar
