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Remedies for deep sleep

 We all know that exercise is beneficial for body as well as mind. Exercise helps a lot from mental health and making the body fit. Not only this, by exercising regularly, all the systems of the body remain correct, and also good sleep comes along with it. In this hectic life, many people do not even get time to exercise, due to which sometimes they are not able to sleep well at night. You can do these exercises some time before sleeping for better sleep and away from illness. Let's know about these exercises-

deep breathing


Make sure you take deep breathing yourself before sleeping. It is a kind of yoga , which is best for relaxing tired and tense mind  throughout the day. You can easily do this on the ground or even on the bed. Deep breathing  not only relaxes but also helps you sleep well at night. By doing this the mind also remains calm.


Going to bed immediately after eating food is not considered right for the body in any way. After having a meal, go out for a walk for at least 5 to 10 minutes . Keep in mind that the walk is not to be done in a hurry and not fast but rather, one has to walk comfortably. Except for this exercise, do all the other exercises only about 60 minutes before going to bed.


Stretching is a great way to relieve muscle tension and pain. If you have any of these problems, stretching will be great for you. The pain actually prevents you from getting a good night's sleep. But stretching helps to loosen up your stiff muscles. So try adding a few minutes of deep stretching to your workout routine. 

Surya Namaskar

If you do Surya Namaskar then you will get very good sleep. Surya namaskar Your whole body Well Stretches it. Its 12 pose Beneficial for the body.

corpse posture (shav asana)

By doing corpse posture, our mind becomes calm. If we lie down for some time after exercising, then our mind becomes calm and we sleep well at night.
