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Brain Exercises to Help Keep You Mentally Sharp

 What do people do to keep their body fit? But people forget that along with the body, it is also important to have a healthy mind. If you do not pay attention to the exercise of your brain, then gradually your intelligence, reasoning power will decrease. That's why we are telling you some such exercises, which will make your brain work faster.

To make the body completely fit, it is very important to have proper mental health along with physical. Because, as much as the body is needed to do any work, the mind is also necessary. When the brain sends signals to the muscles, then only our muscles do any work. But due to stress and hectic lifestyle, the capacity of the brain starts decreasing. Mental health expert has told effective 15-minute breathing exercise to make the brain faster than the computer.

Not only can breathing exercises reduce the risk of diseases, but it can also make us alert, active, as well as maintain our physical and mental health. 

Some breathing Exercises

 Nadi Shodhana or “Alternate Nostril Breathing”


nadi shodhan

Kapalabhati or “Skull Shining Breath”

Many diseases are cured by doing Kapalbhati for only 5 minutes in the morning. By doing this, the blood circulation is good, as well as the mind remains calm.

Take a deep breath in and while exhaling with a jerk, pull the stomach inwards. Keep doing this continuously for a few minutes. Do it 35 to 100 times at a time.

NOTE: If you have a hernia, ulcer, respiratory disease or hypertension and any other physical or mental problems then definitely consult your doctor before doing this.

The lungs are strengthened by inhaling and exhaling vigorously. Oxygen enters the body through the lungs, which mix with the blood and reach the cells of the body. When you do deep breathing exercises, more oxygen reaches the cells in the body than normal. It is beneficial for your cells as well as your overall physical and mental health.
