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how to become taller


Exercise for increasing height

a) Make a habit of regular exercise and travel


Going for 15-20 minutes walk and exercising regularly in the morning proves useful in preventing many diseases like diabetes, high blood pressure, heart disease, cholesterol. Along with this, it is also beneficial in the growth of the body and increasing the height. (Read: How to make a habit of getting up early in the morning)


b) jump rope


Jumping rope is not only about controlling weight. Rather, it is also considered a very useful exercise to increase the height. The muscles of the legs, waist and back become strong. There is a stretch in the spine, which helps in increasing the length.


c) Do the size of the hanger


For this, an iron pipe or a wooden stick is tied about 7 feet above the ground. You can also use a thick tree branch or any hanging part present in the house. By doing hanging exercises regularly, there is a good exercise of the muscles of the back bone, abdomen, chest, legs. This is a very useful exercise to increase height. It should be practiced regularly.


d) run


Running is a great exercise for the whole body. This keeps the weight under control. Bones and muscles of feet, waist and reed become strong. Bones develop. Due to which it helps in increasing the length of the body.


e) go swimming


Swimming is not only a means of entertainment but also a great exercise for the whole body. This increases the blood circulation of the whole body. There is tension in the muscles of the whole body. The stress level is reduced. Appetite increases, eaten and drunk gets digested properly. Swimming helps a lot in increasing height.


3. Do Yoga for increasing height

a) Tadasana


Tadasana is considered an important posture to increase height. Standing in this posture, the weight of the whole body is put on the toes of the feet while raising the heels by joining the palms up. Regular practice of Tadasana exercises the whole body and stretches the muscles of the spine, chest and shoulders. Leg muscles are strong. It helps in increasing the length.


b) Bhujangasana


In this posture, lying on the stomach, the front part of the waist is raised upwards. This is a useful asana for the exercise of the waist and spine and for increasing the height.


c) Paschimottanasana


Regular practice of Paschimottanasana also proves to be very useful for increasing the length of the body. In this posture, sitting on the ground, bending forward and holding the toes of the feet with hands. These are very useful asanas for the muscles of the waist and back. This causes strain on the reed bone. It helps in increasing the length.


d) Surya Namaskar


Surya Namaskar benefits the whole body. This is a simple and useful posture. By doing Surya Namaskar, the body gets vitamin D, which is very important for the growth of bones, which helps in increasing the height, the joints, muscles and nerves of the body are strong.

These yogasanas can be learned from a yoga instructor.
