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All poses of Surya Namaskar



 Today , we talk about all poses of Surya namaskar. So Let's start.

1. Prayer pose( pranamaasan)

Pranamasana is a Sanskrit word. These words are made up of two other words. The first word is Pranam, which means to greet or greet. While the second word is Asana which means position or posture. Combining the two means a state of reception.

2. Raised arms pose ( Hastauttanasana)

Inhale, raise your hands up and back and keep the biceps muscles of the arms close to the ears. In this posture, try to pull the entire body upwards from the ankles to the fingers of the hands.

How to make this yoga asana more effective?

By pushing your hips forward, make sure that you are going upward with your fingers and not backwards.

Focus on the 'Vishuddhi Chakra' on the back of the neck.

3. Standing forward bend (Hastapadasana)

Uttanasana yoga is a very important yoga asana, it helps in reducing stress from your life. These yoga poses are a good asana to warm your body and make your body flexible to do other yoga poses. It helps in increasing blood circulation in the head. Apart from this, Uttanasana helps in fighting many diseases of our body. Let us know in detail the methods of Uttanasana and the benefits of this.

4. Equestrian pose(Ashwa Sanchalanasana)

This asana is the fourth posture of Surya Namaskar. It is necessary to do all asanas in Surya Namaskar, this asana should be done daily. 

5.Stick pose(Dandasana)

 Inhale, move the left leg backward and keep the entire body in a straight line.

6. Salute with eight parts or points(Ashtanga Namaskara)

Now while breathing, join your palms, chest, knees and feet with the ground. Stay in this state and hold your breath.

7. Cobra pose(Bhujangasana)

The word Bhujang is derived from the Sanskrit language. Bhujang means snake, so Bhujang-asana is also called "serpent posture". Bhujangasana is called Cobra Pose in English. Of all the asanas, Bhujang asana is the famous asana. It is very effective for back pain patients. In Suryanamaskar, which is called the complete exercise, Bhujangasana comes in the seventh order. By doing this beneficial posture every day, the shoulders, hands, elbows, back, kidneys, and liver get strength, and get rid of many diseases.

8. Downward facing dog pose (Adho Mukha Svanasana)

You should stand on both hands and knees, which your body will look like a horse.

While exhaling, raise the hips upward and keep your elbows and knees straight. You need to make sure that the body is the same as the inverted "V".

Keep as many hands and legs as upright as possible and keep your head straight down.

Keep your palms upright on the ground and away from the shoulders, keep the legs parallel to the palms.

Breathe deeply and stay in this position for a few seconds and then bend your knees and return to the horse position.

9. Equestrian pose (Ashwa Sanchalanasana)

While breathing, bring the right leg between the two hands. The left knee rests on the floor. Push the hips and perform the lookup.

Tip to deepen this yoga:

Keep the right leg between the two hands and the right calf straight from the floor. In this position, to deepen the stretch, make a gentle effort to push the hips towards the floor.

10. Standing forward bend (Hastapadasana)

Exhaling, bring the left leg forward. Place the palms on the ground. If necessary, you can bend the knees.

11.Raised arms pose ( Hastauttanasana)

Inhale, raise your hands up and back and keep the biceps muscles of the arms close to the ears. In this posture, try to pull the entire body upwards from the ankles to the fingers of the hands.


As you exhale, first straighten the body, and then bring the hands down. Rest in this position; Observe the sensations in your body.
