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What is pranayama

  Pranayama: Moral boost, a great treatment method, everyone accepts the glory of life force.  It can be called the focal point of life and body functioning.  This vast electrical wealth is scattered in the whole world of space, how to hold it and how to make oneself more efficient by the use of life, due to not being aware of this mode, majority of the people fill the mark and worship in the confusion.  .  The reaction of vital force is not limited to mere breathing - questionable energy production, chemical changes.  This ability should be considered as much as a powerhouse, as the nuclear fission process of an atom is considered materialistic.  

Pranayama is the fourth of the eight organs of yoga. While doing pranayama or breathing, we do three actions- 1. Supplement 2. Kumbhak 3. Rechak. This is called the Hathayogi practice, the Vritti. That is to inhale, hold and release. The inner stop is called the inner Kumbhak and the outside stop is called the Bahma Kumbhak.
(1) Complement: - That is, the action of inhaling at a controlled speed is called supplementation. When breathing is done slowly or steadily both ways, it is necessary to have rhythm and proportion.

2) Kumbhak: - The process of stopping the inside breath according to the amount is called Kumbhak. The process of stopping the breath inside, leaving the inner Kumbhak and breathing out again and not stopping again for some time is called the external Kumbhak. It is also necessary to have rhythm and proportion.

(3) Laxative: - The action of exhaling the inhaled breath is called laxative. When breathing exits either slowly or rapidly, it is necessary to have rhythm and proportion.

The major types of pranayama (kind of pranayama):

The major types of pranayama (kind of pranayama): 1. Nadishodhan, 2. Bhastrika, 3. Ujjai, 4. Bhramari, 5. Kapalbhati, 6. Kevali, 7. Kumbhak, 8. dirdha, 9. shitali, 10. shitkari, 11. Murtcha, 12. Sunuryabhadana, 13. Chandrabhedana, 14. Pranava, 15. Agnisara, 16. Udgith, 17. Nasaagra, 18. Plavani, 19. Shitayu (shitau) etc.
