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5 Exercises for weight loss


Today, we talk about 5 exercise for weight loss. These exercises is easy  and can be done anywhere. If you can this exercises you weight loss is definitely possible. It burns lot of calories and make your body fit.

So let's start:

1. Adhomukh aasan: This aasan or pose is best for weight loss. If you do this daily your weight loss problem can be fixed.

Some other benefits:

1. This asana gives energy to the body and refreshes you.

2.Provides peace and is very beneficial in headache, sleeplessness, fatigue etc.

3. Flexibility increase

4. Help in height increase (below 20)

2. Bow pose: This is also good aasan or pose  for weight loss.  It is difficult for some people but after practicing you can do this easily


1. Flexibility increase

2.It provides strength to the whole body. Especially the arms, shoulders and legs.

3.Strengthens the muscles and increases blood circulation in the brain.

This makes exercise of all internal organs, muscles and joints. To do this, first lie down on the stomach. Then, connect the legs together. Bend both legs with your knees. Hold the ankles of both feet with hands by keeping a gap of one foot between the knees and toes. With the help of hands, raise the knees, thighs and torso of both feet above the facility and as per the convenience. Keep breathing comfortably. In this position, stop for a comfortable period and return to the previous position.

3. Balaasan: To do this, sit on the ground on the knees and put the whole body on the ankles. Take a deep breath and lean forward. Keep in mind that your chest should touch the thighs, now try to touch the floor with your forehead. Stay in this state for a few seconds and come back to that state.

4. Butterfly: To do this, bring the ankles closer and closer by folding both feet with knees and mixing the soles together. Holding the knees with hands, raise the knees and mix them together and press down towards the ground. Do this exercise 4 to 5 times.

5. Suryanamskar: surya namaskar is very popular exercise if you daily surya namaskar your unfit body will become a fit body. if you are a beginner then you should 3 to 5 sets daily. After you should do max up to 108. this yoga is healthy not only from outside the body but also from inside the body. but if you have  back  pain or in bones you must not do this yoga . This yoga give you inner energy also. 


 1. increase concentration

2. muscle power increase

3. flexibility increase

4. improves overall health , give strength  the body and relaxes the mind.

5. excellent exercise for weight loss 
