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yoga asanas for weight loss in 10 days

 One of the advantages of yoga is that the physical practice of yoga is beneficial for everyone, old or young, healthy or weak, and it leads everyone to progress. As you age, your understanding of posture becomes more sophisticated. Yoga has never been unknown to us. We've been doing this since we were a kid. Whether it's "cat stretch" asanas that strengthen the spine or wind-free postures that enhance digestion, we'll always find babies doing some form of yoga throughout the day. Yoga can mean many things to many people. Truly determined to help you decide "the direction of your life through yoga"!

Yoga asanas enable us to maintain equanimity in life. Yoga is not a mere exercise or practice. As described in the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali, "Sthiram Sukham Asanam" means that yoga is a balance of effort and relaxation. Meaning we try to come in the posture and then we rest there. It teaches us to try and then surrender, the knowledge to be free from consequences. Yog asana increases the flexibility of our body, and also develops our thoughts. Yog asana should not be done in a hurry, but with the rhythm and awareness of the breath, moving from one posture to another is as beautiful as a dance.  so this video some Yog asanas help to lose your weight and keep you active and healthy in daily life routine. 
