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Hair growth tips


Long and beautiful hair is the desire of every girl, but due to pollution and unhealthy lifestyle, the quality of hair deteriorates and sometimes hair growth also stops. In such a situation, it is very important to give proper nutrition to the hair so that the quality of the hair also improves, and the growth is also faster. If you want to grow your hair fast, then we tell you five such tricks through which you can grow your hair by 2 to 5 inches within 1 month.

Do this work before sleeping at night
If you want to grow your hair fast, then the blood circulation of your scalp should be right, this helps the hair to grow faster. For this, comb your hair thoroughly before sleeping at night. Combing increases the blood flow in the scalp and due to this the blood reaches the root easily and the hair becomes strong and healthy as well as grows faster.

Head massage
Before sleeping, you must massage your head with the help of fingers without oil. By doing this, you are not only relaxed but also increases the blood flow in your scalp, due to which the hair growth is faster.

Make a knot braid
If you have a habit that you sleep with your hair open at night, then change it today. If you want to grow your hair fast, then sleep in the night by making a bun. This will not tangle the hair and it also helps it to grow faster.

Change the habit of washing hair frequently
If you wash your hair every day, it weakens the root of your hair and the hair becomes dry and lifeless, so try to wash your head only after 1 or 2 days, it is very important to clean the scalp. Wash your hair by massaging it with light hands. Make sure to oil your hair before washing your hair.

Don’t wrap towels for a long time
After washing hair, many times women keep a towel wrapped in their hair for hours. By doing this the root of your hair becomes weak and it breaks. If you want to grow hair faster, then wipe the hair with light hands and let it air dry like this comfortably. Do not dry hair with a blow dryer or in the sun.
