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cat facts

 Cats are one of the favorite pets of humans and are the cutest and least dangerous animals in the cat family. We humans keep colliding with it in one way or the other, whether it is a matter of nurturing it or we get a glimpse of it in both of us to avoid it when we cross the path. Do you know that not only superstitions, but there are many unknown qualities that human beings are not yet familiar with. Today we will introduce you to those unknown secrets and tell about its unique features.

(cat facts) 

We humans have a special kind of unique print in our fingers, which is now registered in our Aadhar card and other documents also. But do you know that cats also have a unique print in the same way? Every cat has a print on its nose or say a unique ID which is different in every cat, human can also see these prints through lens if they want.

There is a love of cats that we still don't know about and that is that cats love to sleep. Actually, the favorite thing of cats is to sleep, they spend three-fourths of their lives sleeping. If you look closely, you will find cats mostly sleeping. That is, he spends half of his day sleeping only.

Cats have another secret that explains their gender and that is that the female cat of the cat family does everything with her right foot. Whether she is eating, hunting or walking, she mostly uses her right foot and on the other hand the male cat of this family uses her left foot.

If you have a pet cat in the house, but you give her food and she refuses to eat, it does not mean that she does not like the food. Cats do not decide to eat food by looking at it or licking it, they smell the food, if they like to smell the food, they lick it.

We identify a cat by its meowing sound, but we do not know that a cat can make a hundred different sounds from its throat, it can make many other sounds along with the meow.

(black cat facts)

cat is considered wretched , but this only superstitious in fact black cat considered a intelligent and highly responsive. 


Cats have 230 bones in the body , while human body have  206 bones . The oldest known cat existed about 9,500 years ago. Cat urine glows in the dark. Cats spend 2/3 of their day sleeping and 1/3 of their waking hour grooming themselves. The longest cat in the world was called Arcturus. The F2B Savannah Cat was 19.05 inches tall. The brains of cats and humans match up to 90%. The first cat to go into space was named Felicet or Astrocat, and she achieved the feat on 18 October 1963. To date, Felicette is the only cat to have traveled to space. A cat can run at a speed of 48 km/h. Cats have 32 muscles in both ears to control the outer ear, whereas humans have only 6 muscles in their ears. The cat uses its tail to balance when jumping or to walk on narrow paths.

You will get the answers to all these questions in the article, so read it completely.

Today, the cat is found in almost every house and it is one of the most domesticated animals.

There are more than 500 million cats in the world.

Cats and humans have been related to each other for almost two thousand years.

In this world some people consider cat auspicious and some people consider it inauspicious too.

Cats are one of the second most domesticated animals in the world.

The normal lifespan of a cat is 12 to 15 years.

There are more than 500 million cats in the world today.

Cats can drink salt water because their kidneys have the ability to filter salt water.

Cats should not be fed milk because milk contains lactose and cats cannot digest this lactose and it is harmful to them, so the cat should not be fed milk.

Cats sleep 14-16 hours a day and spend 75% of their lives sleeping only.

Black cats are considered inauspicious in North America and India and black cats are considered auspicious in Britain, Australia and Japan.

Cats have the ability to make 100 different types of sounds, but dogs can make only 10 types of sounds.

Today cats are bred to get rid of rats in popular places like Moscow and Disney Land.


The funniest thing about a cat is that no matter how high it falls, it doesn't get hurt. A cat had fallen from a 33-storey building but still it did not get hurt.

In ancient Egypt, killing cats was punishable by death, even if someone did not kill the cat intentionally.

At that time in Egypt whose cat died, he used to shave his EyeBro in his sorrow.

In today's time, every year people spend 3 lakh 57 billion rupees on their pets.

In Italy, a cat got 13 million rupees as an inheritance from its owner.

95% of the DNA of cats comes from tigers, that is why cats are called aunts of lions.
