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How to lose fat?

 Firstly we will talk about those people whose age is 40+ 

After 40 the metabolism rate of person decrease. the chances of increase weight after 40 is very high. Belly fat  is a big problem now a day. This is because  life style of people is lazy. The reason of overweight is not much physical activity. So in this article we talk about how to lose fat. If you follow these steps your will be a fit.

1. Not much eat fast food: 

if you eat fast food daily routine then you should stop eat . I know if you are addict fast food  then it is very difficult to stop quickly . You should eat fast food  only a week or only a twice. And try to stop eating fast food as much as possible. You are also know that fast food is injuries for your health. As much as possible you eat your kitchen food. Fast food not only increase your weight but also many diseases are come. So if you eat less fast food then its ok. But if you eat daily routine then its bad for your health you will not become fit. 

2. Calories:

If you are not much physical active then you should focus calories. Your work decide how much calories should be taken. If your work physical in compare to  mental then ok, you should not much focus on it. But if your more mental work in compare to physical then  you should focus on it. Around 2500 calories for man eat a day for maintain his weight and for woman around 2000 to maintain weight.  decrease however it depend the height of the person to person .

3. Exercise:

If you are 40+ then you should not focus any hardcore exercise  if your past life is not so active . I only suggest to focus only walking , jogging, yoga and breathing exercises.

4. Avoid soft drink

The main reason  of overweight today soft drink  You should avoid soft drink regularly . Drink lemon juice

Now we talk about less then 40 people

People less then 40 ,  I am not talking about 39😀 So let's start

People less 40 have better chance to lose weight in compare to 40+ people 

1. Focus on weight training :

You should focus on  weight  training . Because weight  training is helpful to reduce weight . If you train your muscles your muscles mass increase so automatically you fat convert into muscles mass. So go to gym train your muscles.

2. Power yoga:

surya namskar (sun salute) is very good power yoga . And these yogas are best for you

These are aasanas and power yogas help to reduce your weight 

3. Drink water:

If you want lose weight you drink water in a right way

Note: Do not drink water immediately after meals. At least half a minute stayed .
